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The founding meeting was held in Vienna from October, 2 to 5, 2005.

Presentation of the Austrian Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures in Vienna in April 2006. Ideaz is member of this network.


Dialogue with the South

The first dialouge was held  from October, 15 to 17, 2007.

The second dialogue was held in May 2008 and was sponsored by the Anna Lindh Foundation.

The third dialogue was organized in June 2011 under the leadership of the Austrian Institute of International Affairs together with the Austrian Network of the Ann Lindh Foundation at the Diplomatic Academy in Vienna.

The forth dialogue was organized in April 2013 under the leadership of the Austrian Institute of International Affairs together with the Austrian Network of the Ann Lindh Foundation at the House of the European Union in Vienna.

The fifth dialogue was organized in Februrary 2014  as the Forum of Global Hegemony co-organized by the Ideaz Journal and the Centre for Tourism and Policy Research at the University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica.

The sixth dialogue was organized in July 2017 as the Forum “América Latina  – Debates actuales y una mirada hacia el Sur global” together with the University of Vienna and the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil at the Department of Political Science (University of Vienna).

The seventh dialogue was organized in July 2018 as the Forum “América Latina  – Debates actuales y una mirada hacia el Sur global” together with the Research Group of the University of Vienna and the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil at the Department of Political Science (University of Vienna).

The eighth dialogue was organized in July 2019 as the Forum “The fight for Democracy in Latin America" together with the Research Group of the University of Vienna and the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil at the Department of Political Science (University of Vienna).


We publish together with Alberto Pereira Corona (Universidad de Quintana Roo) the Spanish language online journal Saskab. Revista de discusiones filosóficas desde acá.

The peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal Ideaz edited by Ian Boxill (The University of the West Indies, Kingston-Mona, Jamaica) is hosted at our website.


Research Projects


Together with the Civitas Institute, Gaza, Palestine and with the financial support of the Anna Lindh Foundation we developed a research project "Brothers in Arms: overcoming violence impact in civil war. Gaza and Austria".



A following-up project of the above mentioned research project with the title "Intercultural Approach for Civil Society Organisation´s Advocacy Skills on Public Policies" was developed with partners from Gaza, Egypt, Tunisia, Turkey and Sweden.


Courses on "Austria and the EU in a intercultural perspective with other world regions" (with special focus on the Global South)

Together with the Tec de Monterrey, Mexico we organized in June 2014 the  summer course "Austria, European Union and Latin America in dialogue". The course was held in Vienna. Since then we have organized summer and winter courses for students from Latin American, Asian and Arab universities like the Centro Universitario de Brasilia (UniCEUB), Universidad de los Andes, Colombia, Wenzhou-Kean University, China and others.